Privacy policy

Our company in respect of the importance of the proper collection, preservation, processing and storage of personal data of customers and visitors / users of the e-shop, explicitly states that keeps all management and protection safety guarantees of individuals with regard to the processing of personal data, in compliance to those specified in the European Regulation no. 2016/679, as incorporated in our national law and force.

Our company is committed to keep your personal data secure and protected. You will find below the information on what personal data we collect, process, and store and why.

For all the services provided by our company, Controller of Your Personal Data is the company ‘KALOMOIRA MARINA PAPAGEORGIOU’.

How we use your personal data (name, address, phone, email)

  • In shipping and delivery, for the proper and timely shipping of your order.
  • In sending messages by email for the confirmation and details of your order.
  • In sending newsletters by electronic mail (email) to keep you informed about discounts, new collections and delicious ‘Prigipo Stories’, always preceded by your explicit consent to receive such type of correspondence.
  • To prevent and detect criminal actions, either against you, or against our company.
  • To be aware of your preferences and thus ensure that we offer you exactly what you want and to remain competitive.

The history of your communication with our company

Everything discussed by phone, email or via Facebook, Instagram etc., is used to serve our customers before, during, and after the execution of the order, thus ensuring it’s proper execution and the best possible services. In addition, for the training of our staff, so every time you contact us, you get the best customer support possible.

The history of your orders and the ‘Favorites’

Is used for ordering and selling products, for the proper implementation of the customer service and the product refund-exchange policies, and also for being aware of your preferences and thus ensuring that we offer you exactly what you want and to remain competitive.

Information you provide us when you browse our site (IP address), and data relating to your location, if you wish to share it with us.

These information help us improve our website and provide you with personalized options (such as language choice) and thus help you enjoy the best shopping experience, protect our site from criminal action either against you or against our company, and keep our commitment on the safe collection, processing and retention of your data.

You are not required to disclose any kind of information or personal data mentioned above. But in case you do not, you might not be able to buy the products you want from our e-shop nor enjoy the best shopping experience our company could possibly offer. However, if you choose otherwise, we will absolutely respect your choice.

Third party transmission of personal data

Our company hereby explicitly declares that it will not make any illegal or improper use of your personal data and will not transfer in any way, for any reason, and to any third party personal details and user / visitor information.

However, we do share personal data that you have given us your explicit consent to do so, to the following categories of cooperating with Prigipo companies-businesses, to support, promote, and execute your trading relationship with us, but always under conditions that  fully ensure that your personal information does not undergo any unlawful processing:

  • Companies that contribute to the proper and smooth functioning of our e-shop and to the proper execution of your order, such as web and digital application development companies as well as courier services companies.
  • Companies providing professional advertising and promotional services.

Promotional / advertising messages

Provided that we have received your explicit prior consent, are entitled to send to you, at regular intervals, promotional / advertising messages by electronic mail (email), in order to keep you informed about the news of our company and to help you ‘discover’ our new collections.

How to stop receiving promotional / advertising messages from PRIGIPO:

You can stop receiving promotional / advertising messages at any time, a) by clicking the ‘unsubscribe’ link that will be included in each email you receive from our company, or b) by contacting us at, stating that you no longer wish to receive such type of correspondence.

Once our company receives your request, in either of these ways, it will be processed and you will stop receiving such type of electronic mail (email).

Storage of your personal data

Our company explicitly states that maintains the personal data the customers / users are sharing, and only these, for as long as the latter remain active in their account or for as long as necessary to offer you our services.

To the extent deemed reasonably necessary, our business in compliance with obligations and requirements that derive from the law, either to resolve disputes or for the prevention and detection of criminal acts, is entitled to retain your stored personal data, even if you have disabled your account, or it is no longer necessary to provide you our services.

Your rights

You have a series of rights on the personal information / data that you have provided our company. More explicitly :

  • The right to be informed about the collection, processing, preservation and storage of your personal data from our company (see above!)
  • The right to have access at all times to the personal data, information and details that you yourself have provided us
  • The right to ask us to modify- in case they are not correct- the data that our company keeps about you, and the right to modify (through your personal account / profile) all details relating to the provided personal data
  • The right to ask us to delete personal data the company keeps about you. In this case, the company is obliged to delete your data without undue delay, if one of the following exclusively mentioned reasons is applicable:
  1. the personal data is no longer necessary, in relation to the purposes for which it was collected by our company, or were otherwise treated,
  2. you have withdrawn your consent to the collection, processing and storage of your personal data from our company and there is no other legal basis for the processing
  3. you object to the processing of your personal data and no compelling and legal grounds for processing exist,
  4. the personal data have been illegally processed,
  5. the personal data must be deleted in order to respect legal obligation under EU law in which our business is subject,
  6. the personal data have been collected in connection with the provision of services of the Information Society directly to a child, as specifically mentioned in no. 8 par. 1 GKPD
  • The right to stop receiving promotional / advertising messages from our company either through your personal account, or via the link ‘unsubscribe’, which is included in each email you receive from us
  • The right to receive the personal data you have provided our company,in a structured, commonly used and machine-readable format, and also the right to transmit such data to another controller (right to data portability).

In case you decide to exercise any of the aforementioned rights, no fee shall be payable. To exercise any of the aforementioned rights, please contact us at or alternatively contact us by Post to the following address: 77-79, 28is Oktovriou st., 104 34, Athens, Greece. We may ask you to pay a considerable fee in case your claim will be clearly unfounded and we will be charged with administrative costs.

Once you will exercise any of the aforementioned rights, we will immediately take care of your request and we will answer you within (30) workable days after its receipt. In any case, we will immediately contact you, in order to inform you either about meeting your request or about the objective reasons that prevented us from meeting it.

In case you believe the protection of your personal data is in any way compromised you are able to contact our company- by using the contact details provided to this Privacy Policy, before contacting Hellenic Data Protection Authority (HDPA), having as goal to address your concerns, you can directly file a complaint to the HDPA, by using the following contact details:


Postal Address: 1-3, Kifisias av., Athens, Greece (PC 11523)

Call Centre: +30210 6475600

Fax: +30210 6475628



Security policy

All credit/debit/prepaid card payment transactions are performed through Viva Wallet.
Viva Online Services recognises the importance of secure transactions and has made all necessary provisions to ensure maximum possible transaction security for all data entered in the website. During all the steps of an online transaction through the website all data is encrypted via Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) based on certificates by Thawte (a Verisign subsidiary).

Cookies policy

We use cookies in order to improve the user-friendly browsing and use of our website. Cookies are small files containing textual information which are stored in your hard drive during your visit at our website. We need cookies for your identification and authorisation following your successful subscription to the protected area throughout the duration of your visit. However, cookies are also used to monitor the preferences of the visitors of the website. This helps us to adjust in a better way our website content to your needs, as well as to improve our offers towards you. Cookies do not allow us to identify the users. You can deactivate these cookies any time at the system settings of your browser, as well as you can delete the already existing cookies. All users can view our offers without activating the cookies. However, in case you have chosen not to accept cookies, you may not be able to benefit from the entire features of our site.

At we use cookies that behave in four main ways. These cookies are called First-Party, Session and Persistent Cookies.

First-party Cookies: These cookies monitor the behaviour within the website They can help us to offer you an improved functionality and a more seamless experience as customer.

Session cookies: These cookies that are used by us are automatically deleted from your hard drive after the end of the browsing session.

Persistent cookies: Moreover, we use cookies that remain in your hard drive for a certain period of time (between one day and five years, depending on the cookie) after the browsing session. When you visit our website again, it will automatically recall the country and the language that you have chosen during your last visit at our website. These “Persistent Cookies” are stored in your hard drive and they will be deleted from the browser after a certain period of time. Cookies can also be cookies from Third-Party providers. By using our website, you agree that we can place these types of cookies in your device and you can gain access to them when you visit the website in the future. If you want to delete all the cookies that already exist in your computer, refer to the support and help section of your browser on the Web in order to get instructions on how to locate the file or the list that store the cookies. Please note that by deleting our cookies or deactivating future cookies, you may not be able to gain access to certain parts or functions of our site.
